Basic Policy on Initiatives
Basic Principles
As a company engaged in global business, Mazda is fulfilling its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen through ongoing involvement in socially beneficial activities tailored to the needs of local communities, in order to ensure that its business activities contribute to the building of a sustainable society.
Plans for Future Activities
- Proactive, ongoing responses to social needs through the core business activities of the Mazda Group in Japan and overseas
- In collaboration with local communities, contribute to the development of a sustainable society through activities tailored to the needs of communities
- Emphasize and provide support for self-motivated volunteer activities by employees, and incorporate diverse values to foster a flexible and vibrant corporate climate
- Proactively disclose the details of activities and engage in a dialogue with society
Three Pillars
Mazda promotes activities that are strongly rooted in local communities. Its social contribution activities are underpinned by the three pillars of environmental and safety performance, human resources development, and community contributions.
Initiatives Based on the Three Pillars
Environmental and Safety Performance
Mazda's business activities have a relationship with, and impact social issues, such as global warming, energy and resource shortages, and traffic accidents. To resolve these issues, the Company attaches importance to the environmental and safety perspectives, not only in conducting its main business, but also when making social contributions.
- Hosting environmental awareness-raising programs at various events, dispatching lecturers to environmental education programs, and carrying out volunteer activities for biodiversity conservation and various other environmental protection initiatives
- Offering lectures on traffic accident issues at various events, and holding safedriving seminars
Human Resource Development
Mazda emphasizes the perspective of human resources development, based on the idea that fostering people who will be future leaders in the foundation of society and in business is important.
- Holding seminars and lectures by employees with specialized knowledge and skilled techniques such as manufacturing.
- Accepting students for internship programs, supporting to learn about vehicles using facilities in the Company, etc.
Community Contributions
Mazda promotes community contribution activities to cope with specific issues of each local community, in the countries/regions where the Company conducts its business operations.
- Making monetary/vehicle donations to charities and participating in various charitable activities
- Promoting sports and culture
Volunteering by Employees
Mazda offers support to help employees become actively involved in volunteer activities.
- Providing volunteer opportunities (Specialist Bank, Volunteer Center, etc.)
- Subsidizing part of the cost of activities (Mazda Flex Benefits, etc.)
- Enabling employees to take leave for activities (volunteer leave such as the Special Warm Heart leave system, etc.)
- Providing volunteer training opportunities